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3 Resultados de traducción para beat en español

noun | verb | adjective

beat noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
golpe, redoble (de un tambor), latido (del corazón); ritmo, tiempo

Ejemplos de uso de
beat noun

  • They danced to the beat of the drums.
  • She likes music with a Latin beat.
  • The doctor is listening to the beat of his heart.

Sinónimos de
beat noun

Sinónimos detallados para beat noun

Ver: Rhythm

beat verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
beat, has beaten, is beating, beats
golpear, pegar, darle una paliza (a alguien); palpitar, latir; vencer, derrotar; anticiparse a, evitar; batir

Ejemplos de uso de
beat verb

  • He beat the dust out of the rug with a stick.
  • She used a hammer to beat the metal into shape.
  • She used a hammer to beat the nail into the wall.
  • The dented metal was beaten flat.
  • The waves were beating the shore.
  • He beat at the door with his fists.
  • The waves were beating on the shore.
  • The rain beat on the roof.
  • They beat him with clubs.
  • a man accused of beating his wife
  • He is beating his drum.
¿Qué significa beats me?
  • La expresión informal (it) beats me significa ″no lo sé″.

Sinónimos detallados para beat verb

Ver: Conquer

beat adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
derrengado, muy cansado

Ejemplos de uso de
beat adjective

  • Let me sit down. I'm absolutely beat!
  • can we pick this up tomorrow, because I'm beat?

Sinónimos de
beat adjective

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Frases relacionadas para beat

Traducción inversa para beat

golpe  - blow, knock 
redoble  (de un tambor) - drum roll 
latido  (del corazón) - beat, throb 
ritmo  - rhythm, pace, tempo 
tiempo  - time, period, age, season, moment, weather, tempo (in music), half (in sports), tense (in grammar) 
golpear  - to beat (up), to hit, to knock (at a door), to beat, to slam, to bang, to strike 
pegar  - to adhere, to stick, to glue, to stick, to paste, to attach, to sew on, to infect with, to give, to hit, to deal, to strike, to give (out with) 
darle una paliza  (a alguien)
palpitar  - to palpitate, to throb 
latir  - to beat, to throb 
vencer  - to vanquish, to defeat, to win, to triumph, to expire, to overcome, to surmount, to fall due, to mature 
derrotar  - to defeat 
evitar  - to avoid, (informal) to steer clear of, to prevent, to escape, to elude 
batir  - to beat, to hit, to defeat, to mix, to beat, to break (a record) 
derrengado  - bent, twisted, exhausted